Saturday, January 14, 2012


Welcome back to Games Brained!  My name is Shane, and this is my life.  I am an English teacher living in Tainan City, Taiwan.  I have always had an avid interest in video games, though I loathe to call myself a 'hardcore' gamer.  In this re-introduction of Games Brained, I have decided to make an effort to not go things alone.  I, like many other bloggers and followers of video games want to make an impact in the community, and create an outlet to discuss my ideas and observations alongside others.

I hope you can enjoy reading my posts, I will be attempting to write something per week, be it review or minor observation, funny story, etc.  I don't want to focus only on video games and nothing else (a mistake I made last time), so let's just subtitle this blog: Life, love, adventure... and video games.


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